
§- Intense and pleasant perfume while in front of the casket containing the clothes of the Saint friar, and diaphragmatic hyperventilation next to his tomb for a surgeon seeking to confirm his Faith.

Some months later, a photograph showing a man-priest from the last century brings me to meet a priest who gives me permission to consult the Baptismal Records of the 16th century, which later on I translated from Latin and prepared for further consultation and preparation for genealogical trees of people who might be not only local but from many regions of Italy.


§- In the Baptismal Records I discovered a bloodline relationship between my forebear and the priest depicted in the photograph.                                                                                                                                                                                          click→  wqww

§-The priest of our times gave me, as a gift, some documents  which I read more than anything out of the curiosity to better know an historical figure from the year One Thousand, Patron Saint of Marsica, whose mortal remains are conserved in the Cathedral of my town.

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§-I have translated, also, some of the pages of an historian from Palermo (P.A.Tornamira) and I discovered amongst these pages the bloodline relationship between the Patron Saint of Palermo, Saint Rosalia, and the Patron Saint of Marsica, confirmed by another historian from Naples, who had my very same name and surname.


§-The book “Saint Rosalia and Saint Berardo” was presented to the public in the town of Lecce nei Marsi, in Abruzzi, from where that photograph of the priest came. On that occasion I met an enigmatic man dressed like a ‘zampognaro’ (bagpipe player of Abruzzo), who lead me to discover (giving me some typed pages) an “antique” language  which was still spoken up in the mountains, where Lecce Vecchio is situated.

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§- More than a little surprised by some of those “antique” words written and decoded in the text “The Language of the Sumerians in Marsica”, I came to the decision to write the book “Marsi”, with the aid of a chronological line already prepared by Professor Emilio Cerasani, to fill in missing subjects that time and History being written by the conquerors (the mightier), slowly is mystifying

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§- The synoptic table of the Bishops of Marsi herein presented  reminds us that in this part of Italy something very important took place, which cannot be forgotten , because of faults that today should be matter of research.

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§- In 1848 the abbot Vincenzio d’Avino describes the diocese of Marsi of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies

“…semper tenta diocesis urbivicaria…” , has always been considered the diocese substitute of the City (Rome)

    Would you like other famous names courteous reader? Know that  Cardinal Mazarin was of Pescina nei Marsi! This name is not worth a praise? Cit.

§- Pondering about the symbol of the Cross strictly linked to Mankind who lived in the territory of Marsia is present in “Adam-Man Earth-Cross”. 

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§- Reasons for the transfer of  the inhabitants and to make known the events that brought about .. “from San Benedetto to Pescina”, accompanied by historical documents and surnames which still exist, so as to dispel the lies that ignorance still keeps in circulation …

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§- A sculptor, bronze-worker and foundry-man, he who assisted the famous sculptor G.L. Bernini, one who must be brought to light in History of Italian Art is Giovanni Canale Artusi, called “il Pescina”.

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§-I received some newspaper clippings from the last page of a French newspaper, preserved of half a century, which had been part of those serial novels they used to  publish, with the title of “Famous Love Affairs”. I translated those pages so that you, the reader, might discover that Maria Mancini, the great love affair of the Sun King Louis XIV, was born at Pescina (Aq), and that she, a woman, left her husband Lorenzo Colonna (of the same clan which beat up Berardo Berardi, the same one who hated Mazzarino, who became a relative of the Tourlonias…).


§-In another of my “strange coincidences” I met Sister Berardina, and through her I identified a bloodline relationship between  religious personalities who have much to do with a great part of Italian history.

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§- Going back to read “The Language of the Sumerians in Marsica” again and discovering by “chance” the existence of a river in Turkey with the very same name as the Sangro River in Abruzzi, I had the intuition about the “way along the rivers of the Italian and German Marsians” described at the beginning of the book “The Future of Marsia”.

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§-I bought on the web an etching which depicts Saint Filomena, (this, also, could be only chance?!), “who was venerated in the Cathedral of Marsia at Pescina”, and to which an altar had been erected by Bishop Giuseppe F. Segna from Poggio Cinolfo.

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§-In “Documents 1-2-3” I have inserted the most important and significant discoveries and items. In Documents 1 I got hold of a cornerstone “the urn with the relics of Saint Sabina”

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§- Among the Documents 2 is a reproduction of the inscription of a plaque dedicated to Bishop Bagnoli.                                                                                                                                                                                           click→ vvvvvv

And last, but, according to me, the most important document, is represented by that “poor Christian soul” Berardo Viola who was forced to carry the donkey-bishop on his shoulders to bray from the heights of the bell-tower of that CHURCH reft of him, but with roots deep in the Christianity of these characters all discovered through strange coincidences and described on this web site, unto a truth which is in hiding…but, until when?!. (“Between the lines on my pages the truth is hiding” – I. Silone)


§-             Hydrometeorological Effects of the Fucino Lake on the Surrounding Region

 B. Tomassetti1, F. Giorgi2, M. Verdecchia1, and G. Visconti1

           Abstract. The drainage of the Fucino Lake of central Italy was completed in 1873, and this possibly caused significant climatic changes over the Fucino basin. In this paper we discuss a set of short-term triple-nested regional model simulations of the meteorological effects of the Fucino Lake on the surrounding region. We find that the model simulates realistic lake-breeze circulations and their response to background winds. The simulations indicate that the lake affects the temperature of the surrounding basin in all seasons and precipitation in the cold season, when cyclonic perturbations move across the region. Some effects of the lake also extend over areas quite far from the Fucino basin. […]

click→fucino (1)



    Franco Francesco Zazzara